In reading some of my earlier blogs, I am reminded how important this concept is to me as a liver (someone who is alive, not an organ!) and a writer. The words I say to myself are defining the world I'm existing within. I realize I need an inner editor who will gently and firmly clean up the language I'm using in my head as well as on the paper.
I want my home to be a place of comfort, nourishment and inspiration. I want it to be somewhere I feel rejuvenated and encouraged. I want it to be a place of beauty and serenity.
I realized some time ago that in order to make my outside home fit that bill means starting with my inside home. Upon considering this, I was horrified at the state of my inner dwelling because it was dominated by an orge. It was not a friendly place to be, let me assure it. The critical voices residing there were shredding me to ribbons. I made a vow that day to make my inner house friendlier and more supportive. I respectfully told the ogre those services were no longer needed and invited him and his crew to depart. They wanted to stay, don't get me wrong! They had it good living there in my head. If I'm not vigilant, they find they're way back in.
Isn't it amazing that dramatic changes can be made simply by shifting some words around? These markings appearing on this page before me where there was formerly nothing are changing my world! They are a vivid example of how a tiny spark of invisible energy is manifested into a physical and visible thing! All I can say is wow!